Tarifa Events – Use of Logo and UGC

Company : Tarifa Events

IG Handle : @TarifaEvents

Industry : Service Sector

Niche : Events and Weddings

Commission :
• To create a profile to inspire confidence on considered decisions.
• To have a running feed on the website that was not duplicating the Gallery.

Challenge : The company is based in Spain, but wished to encourage events from Northern Europe – Holland, Germany and the UK
Results : Profile established and the territories in question were well served. Traffic was directed to the website.

Grid Notes: The content is a combination of UGC and the client’s own. Every alternate image is from Tarifa Events’  weddings or events ( with logo).  It was decided as all events are in Tarifa the alternate post would be from local photographers of the area. This has built a strong community base and growth was rapid.
Maintenance:  After achieving aim of 5k – posts are now done when there are events to showcase.
URL:  www.TarifaEvents.com
