What’s the IRL angle
Love that Lucky Things encourages people to meet in real life. Over 90% of attendees to her events come on their own.
📲 @luckythingsblog – women networking: Coach and Network Event host.
Fatima Trusscot – is entertaining and charismatic, in fashion but keeping it real. 📲 @the_FT_Times – Fashion and Lifestyle:
Time to read – 3 minutes
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I went to see Fatima Truscott predominantly as a support, but also for a curiosity. Sunita the organiser of the – Lucky Things events – seemed to have a great group going on, so I thought I’d check it out. But waving a bandana in anticipatory excitement over the night, was that I‘m a psychologist .. I loved

the idea of the talk – Style and Confidence. For me it was a psychological perspective on fashion. The former my life fascination, the latter, something that’s remains a mystery to me. I’m the least fashion savvy person I know.
What I found with my way too over analytical hat on, was that the wonderfully informal chat was – OMG a bazinga – a ‘therapeutic insight night’! Why? Well Fatima’s talk is about taking your wardrobe considerations and applying a three zone organisation .. These said zones are Safe, Risk and Compromise. #mystyletriangle having since evolved from the talk, a community around Fatimas great style philosophy. So we now officially have ‘a thing’ happening too!
After the talk, I found myself driving home in deep thought, considering what I wear – jeans and what’s in my wardrobe, jeans and what I wear to, say a drinks party – jeans. The office – jeans. Hmmm a pattern. I didn’t seem to have the triangle I seemed to have a sort of full stop! Crisis. What’s that saying?
In uni – my big thing was going to the formal balls. Any excuse and I was at a ball. I begged borrowed wore the most outrageous and wonderful gowns. I was red carpet stylee all the way. My particular favourite was a backless Grecian vibe with just a string of diamante between me and near naked. Loved it. The very next day, always, back into jeans.
Then moving to London. After a stint living in New York (they’re sooo conservative at work) I realised I didn’t feel ‘me’ and knew I never ever wanted to wear stuffy again.

It seemed as if anything other than ‘smash it hot dresses’ were just a pointless exercise in discomfort. I chose my career there after, near based on never having to dress up in a suit, or wear a cocktail dress. I worked in a record company and have lived rock n’ roll style for hmmm now on about forever years. And as I don’t go to any balls anymore – it’s jeans all the way.
So that talk, the triangle that Fatima came up with has just fascinated me in it’s application. It’s an amazing insight into our wardrobes. If we sit and think about what we have, where we wear it and why some area may be top heavy, it becomes quite revealing and triggering many a great chat. Many moons on, I’m now a therapist (still wearing jeans) but as I often tell people you can’t therapy yourself. It’s like trying to read a newspaper in the mirror. Just doesn’t work.. So I’ve no idea about what my style says about me. But it’s one I’m very confident in. And important. But I do know I have a picture of Chrissy Hynde from a band back in the 80’s. I had a massive girl crush on her style. Perhaps, that unknowingly lead me down a path that has hitherto not been understood. Who knows? Don’t question the happy. Just be!
So nothing spooky to reveal – (although I do love a bit of healthy denial!) On a serious note, what we wear really does say a lot about us and Fatima’s insight and division of our wardrobe is really smart. We all know when we’re wearing something that’s just not ‘us’. Our style has a story.

As Sunita also revealed, she brings a little bit of ‘her’ into the corporate world with her snazzy earrings and dashes of colour. That’s a person with something to say!
I think this topic can go far – reflections on our wardrobes can really reval a fascinating journey. Of who we are, were or where we’re going.
Signing off. Fiona wearing.. you guessed it jeans!
👉🏽 Fatima Trusscot is talking again for Lucky Things on Saturday 6th of October 2018.
Fiona Austin is a therapist working in London and Online. www.BMCC.biz
You can follow her for a daily thought on Instagram @morethanjustlistening.