Helen Perry and the wise Duck

What’s the IRL angle

Creative Duck does fab Networking or just real interesting Events in Henley and Marlow.  They’re full of really nice people happy to chat.  Go, even if it’s far away.

There I met Helen Perry –  📲 @notaboutthekids  – Instagram Creator and Events builder:
📲 @thecreativeduck – small business owners, crafters and freestylers building a community in a real shop and online .

Time to read – 3 minutes

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I live in London.  Londoners oftentimes think it’s the centre of the world!  “What could beat it” seems to be the assumption in the air.  (seriously?)  It can be hard to get us to move from our deluded bubble.  So pin in hand .. I burst out ..

Not about the Kids

I’m an adventurer at heart and as the movie goes .. “There was something about … Helen Perry …”.  I found her on Instagram.  Her ‘grid’ jumped out at me with all it’s reds and blues and abstract angles.  Taking the normal view of things and turning them into a dynamic.   From my many ‘hypenated’ career hats – I donned my InstaConsultant cap and took off to a Creative Duck meeting in Henley.  It was glorious, I watched the reverse traffic jams in smug excitement with the feeling of having escaped London – no tail lights in front!   I had Kisstory on the radio – I was back in the 90’s  complete even with sunnies –  Woop woop!

Paradise Social w Helen Perry
Ducklings learning Insta in the sunshine

Winding through the tree lined road I parked with ease (anyone in London ever had that experience outside of 3 in the morning!) … I found myself at a lovely early morning pub garden gathering.   Creative Duck is a shop and business.  But today it was just a whole sea of interesting people doing things that made their heart feel good.  Inspired!

I wanted everyone to be my bff   .. what a lovely gathering.

Helen is absolutely fab on Stories .. so she admirable stepped into doing her first ever chat.  The audience had people who seemed to have lived the London Life at one stage, but now knew better and had jumped ship for joy.   So there was nothing but acceptance.

We were sitting in a garden, surrounded by flowers and the blue sky .. and people felt OK to talk and ask questions.  Many people didn’t know anything

social paradise in real life stories
You’ve got to try this trick!

about Instagram apart from a few family snaps, but all were amazingly accomplished women who are now doing more but with wisdom in their pocket.   Goodbye tube squashes and hello Henley.

I loved my time in the garden.  I didn’t get time to chat to everyone, but I knew it didn’t matter as I’m definitely going to go back to another Creative Duck event.   And as for Helen .. she’s embarking on great things.  Developing her InstaTalents and starting a consultancy .. so check her out here and do aim for a IRL meet up via the Creative Duck, they’ve now branched out to Marlow .. so perhaps it’s more convient.  But to be honest, isn’t this all about getting out of the regular and having a mini adventure!

I will leave it with some Creative Duck Wisdom  “Whether you’re thinking of starting a small business, developing an existing one or exploring a new creative discipline, be curious and check out our upcoming roster of events”.


Fiona Austin

has an programme called When you Live in paradise – which is actually about making dreams come true where Instagram plays a fairly big part.  Seriously!